Promoters of economic development

Our relationship with the producers

33% of the raw material that we use for the production of sugar comes from 249 independent producers. The farms are located in the counties of Liberia, Bagaces, Cañas, Carrillo, Santa Cruz and Nicoya.

Azucarera El Viejo, as a Promoter of Economic Development in the region of Guanacaste, creates a space for serving the producers, thus trying to maintain economic and operational relations with them. They receive free consultancy and training for improving the quality of their products. They are also offered financing for their production needs.

The company supports the producer with a merchant credit line with BAC-SJ, where producers go from having interest rates of 13,74% to 6,5%. In addition, because it is a merchant line, it is the company who answers to the bank and not the producers.

Azucarera El Viejo has a specialized structure for serving the producers, thus trying to add value to their agricultural activities. 

Every year, in order to measure the performance and the satisfaction of our producers, the company conducts a poll to measure the satisfaction with the services offered and, through these actions, it also seeks to explore opportunities for continuous progress.